If we were to ignore problems caused by poor leadership, bad financial management, and inferior products/services, most other business problems are marketing-related. Each of these mistakes take an incremental toll on a company’s success and can make the difference between an awful year and a record-breaking year. Your path to success isn’t clearly understood – Ask key employees to express your …
A Leader’s Paradox: How to Be Happy, While Being Driven to Improve
As a leading full-service agency, we’re constantly asked by our clients to provide more. More followers, more leads, more applicants, more conversions, more renewals, more sales. Then, once we accomplish those tasks, we’re asked for more again. I’m certainly not faulting our clients for this – they’re all driven leaders, and that’s our task as leaders – to continuously improve. Our team at Studio/D …
Will Fear of Success Hold You Back This Year?
In this new year, some companies will succeed and grow, while others will flounder and shrink. The difference between success and failure is often a factor of the company’s leadership, vision and drive. Certainly, there are real tangible issues that companies must address to grow, but there are also less tangible issues that can hold leaders back. “Fear of Success” …
It Pays to Be Easy
People are a lot like water, they’re always looking for the path of least resistance, and marketing trends are no different. There’s an evolution that’s natural and easy to identify if you look for the indicators. Whether it’s better societally is debatable. But one thing’s for sure, it’s always easier. Historically, companies like Ford, Microsoft, and Amazon have become the …
The Power of Stockpilling Customer Goodwill
Remember the song, “United Breaks Guitars” from back in 2009? A performer wrote the song after seeing his guitar being manhandled by United baggage attendants. The song attained 17 million YouTube views. How about this spring when United Airlines forcibly removed Dr. David Dao from a flight? A photo of the bleeding doctor being dragged down the airplane aisle by …
The Secret to Recruiting and Retaining Employees in a Tight Job Market
When was the last time anyone applauded in your workplace? And not following a CEO speech. If you can’t remember, you’ll want to keep reading. In a perfect world, employees at every level in a company are motivated to do a great job. They encourage others in their tasks, are happy to be at work, and they embrace the corporate …
Reframing Risk as a Positive Business Influence
When Sir Ernest Shackleton planned his 1814 expedition to explore Antarctica, his help wanted ad reportedly stated: “Men wanted for hazardous journey. Low wages, bitter cold, long hours of complete darkness. Safe return doubtful. Honour and recognition in event of success.” Shackleton offered risk – he didn’t promise easy money or carefree times, yet he was overwhelmed with applicants. Today, …
Four Secrets to Scoring Extra Media Coverage for Your New Product
Launching a new product is an exciting time for a company. Product engineers are getting kudos for their hard work, the sales force is revved up, and marketing efforts are kicking into high gear to let the world know about your new offering. Your marketing plan for the launch likely includes these tactics: Professional photographs of the new product Digital …
Brand Personality Matters
I don’t always drink beer. But when I do, I prefer Dos Equis. These words are, of course, from the wildly successful ad campaign created by Euro RSCG (now Havas Worldwide) in 2006 for Cuauhtémoc Moctezuma Brewery’s Dos Equis brand. Jonathan Goldsmith played The Most Interesting Man in the World for 10+ years and ended each ad with the line “Stay Thirsty My …
Are Your Branding, Marketing & Sales Efforts Aligned?
You’re faced with a challenge: how to differentiate your company and products to warrant a higher price than your competition, while providing quality leads for your sales force to close. Let’s imagine that you’re a mid-market manufacturer making industrial widgets. Your company has grown into a comfortable industry position, and probably relies more heavily on sales efforts rather than marketing. …