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How Vocational Schools Increase Enrollment & Placement By Partnering with a Professional MarCom Agency

Scott Dieckgraefe Insight, Uncategorized

The skilled trades are currently experiencing a sort of renaissance – a reversal of a
trend that had held for decades. Obviously, this is welcome news for vocational school
recruiters, but it also comes at a time when the manufacturing and industrial sectors are
in desperate need of skilled workers.

While this bodes well for trade schools, now more than ever, they need to make sure
they are properly positioned to take full advantage of this trend with clear branding and
messaging that makes them stand out from their competitors. Similarly, potential
manufacturing and industrial employers need to work hand-in-glove with vocational
schools to ensure a steady flow of skilled workers to meet their needs.

A professional marketing communications agency can help both entities by increasing
their profiles, crystalizing and seating their messaging, and forging strong, symbiotic
alliances between the two.

Below are five areas where an experienced communications agency can help both
trade schools and potential employers meet these shared challenges:

1) Branding & Messaging
A strong brand is crucial for attracting top talent and differentiating your school
from other educational institutions. It is also the hub from which all of your
messaging spokes radiate. A well-defined, compelling brand showcases your
school’s values, culture, and unique offerings, making your school stand out from
your competitors and more attractive to potential students. Experienced
communications agencies can help craft a unique brand narrative and develop
campaigns to promote it through various channels – your school’s website, social
media platforms, print media, advertising, and public relations efforts. Agencies
can gather and disseminate success stories and testimonials from alumni and
current students, adding credibility and appeal to your school’s brand.​ The
branding and messaging work agencies perform for their manufacturing and
industrial clients is just as crucial for vocational schools.

2) Talent Shortage & Skills Mismatch
Addressing the talent shortage and skills mismatch is critical for vocational
schools to meet industry demands and ensure student success. Agencies can
help schools develop and market specialized training programs that align with
current industry needs, similar to how industrial firms tailor their training to
specific skill gaps. Agencies can facilitate partnerships between schools and
employers to create apprenticeship and internship opportunities, ensuring
students gain practical, hands-on experience. This mirrors industrial sector
practices where agencies help companies collaborate with training providers to
ensure workforce readiness. Similarly, they can support schools in continuously
updating their curricula based on industry feedback and trends, ensuring
graduates are equipped with relevant skills. This approach is akin to how they
help industrial companies adapt their training programs to technological
advancements and market demands.

3) Improving Candidate Experience
An excellent candidate experience can significantly influence a prospective
student’s decision to enroll. MarCom agencies can help schools design and
implement streamlined application and enrollment processes that are user-
friendly and efficient; create personalized and engaging communication that
makes the school stand out in the eyes of potential students (e.g., bespoke video
messages or interactive content); and implement robust feedback mechanisms to
continuously improve the recruitment process based on candidate input.

4) Mitigating Technological Disruption
The rapid integration of AI has led to as much insecurity in workspaces as it has
efficiency. But Integrating advanced technologies can enhance recruitment
efficiency and effectiveness. Experienced communications agencies can
introduce AI tools for screening and engaging with potential students, ensuring a
quick and responsive recruitment process. This complements the use of AI in
industrial sectors for optimizing operations and improving efficiency. Agencies
can use data analytics to track and analyze recruitment campaigns helping to
refine strategies and target the right audiences. Using virtual engagement
methods, such as online open houses and webinars, agencies can help schools
reach a broader audience and accommodate remote prospects. This approach
leverages the same virtual engagement tools communications agencies use with
their industrial clients to connect remotely.

5) Assuaging Economic Uncertainty
In today’s era of economic uncertainty, vocational schools need resilient
strategies to maintain enrollment and financial stability.​ Agencies can help
develop and promote flexible payment options, scholarships, and financial aid
programs to attract students during economic downturns. Likewise, they often
help their manufacturing and industrial clients offer attractive financing or pricing
options to maintain sales during economic fluctuations​. Communications
agencies can help schools promote the value of vocational education in providing
stable and lucrative career paths despite uncertain economic times, helping to
reassure potential students and their families. This is similar to how industrial
marketers emphasize the long-term value and ROI of their products​.

By partnering with a marketing communications agency experienced in the
manufacturing and industrial sectors, vocational schools can effectively increase
enrollment and retention, while presenting a positive perception of vocational education.
Not only does Studio/D have the expertise and proven track record trade school
marketers need, but we also have the passion to foster key relationships and close the
student-to-career loop.

Studio/D is a full-service marketing communications firm working with mid-market industrial and manufacturing clients, together with companies that support the manufacturing ecosystem. We’re a team of “makers” who simplify complex communication challenges with messaging that engages and drives results. Learn more about us at StudioD.agency, or call our president, Scott Dieckgraefe at 314-200-2630.