Manufacturers Should Capitalize on the Recent Trend Toward Skilled Trades

Scott Dieckgraefe Uncategorized

The skilled trades are currently experiencing a sort of renaissance – a reversal of a trend that had held for decades. This article explores how this occurred, the benefits those seeking careers in the trades can expect, and how manufacturers can take advantage of the current resurgence of the skilled trades. For two generations, four-year college degrees were touted as …

How AI-Generated Content Will Chage Marketing

How Will ChatGPT Change Your B2B Marketing?

Scott Dieckgraefe Insight, Uncategorized

AI-generated language programs like ChatGPT have garnered significant headlines in the past few months as our industry clamors to learn and harness the power behind the technology. We recommend that you NOT underestimate its power – it will positively impress even the most ardent nay-sayer. These programs now operate on the third iteration of their learning model, or GPT-3. If …