Leverage Data For Insight

Leveraging Data for Growth in Manufacturing: How a MarCom Agency Can Help

Scott Dieckgraefe Insight, Uncategorized Leave a Comment

Marketing agencies have many tools to help their clients – brand awareness, reputation management, market research into competitors and customers, and precision targeting of messaging through multiple channels, just to name some of the core practices. What informs and determines all of these efforts is data – the information collected during the course of doing business. Let’s look at how …

Leaerning robotic automation

How Vocational Schools Increase Enrollment & Placement By Partnering with a Professional MarCom Agency

Scott Dieckgraefe Insight, Uncategorized

The skilled trades are currently experiencing a sort of renaissance – a reversal of atrend that had held for decades. Obviously, this is welcome news for vocational schoolrecruiters, but it also comes at a time when the manufacturing and industrial sectors arein desperate need of skilled workers. While this bodes well for trade schools, now more than ever, they need …

Mid-Year Marketing Checkup

Mid-Year Checkup: Marketing Trends for Community Banks

Scott Dieckgraefe Uncategorized Leave a Comment

As we pass the halfway point of 2024, it’s an opportune time for community banks to reassess their marketing efforts, particularly in regard to increasing SBA loans and core deposits. Here’s a look at key trends shaping the marketing landscape and how community banks can leverage them effectively. Embracing Generative AI Generative AI continues to revolutionize marketing, offering community banks …