Leverage Data For Insight

Leveraging Data for Growth in Manufacturing: How a MarCom Agency Can Help

Scott Dieckgraefe Insight, Uncategorized

Marketing agencies have many tools to help their clients – brand awareness, reputation management, market research into competitors and customers, and precision targeting of messaging through multiple channels, just to name some of the core practices. What informs and determines all of these efforts is data – the information collected during the course of doing business. Let’s look at how …

Between a Funnel and ABM

Between a Funnel & the ABM Pyramid: The Case for Hybrid Marketing

Scott Dieckgraefe Insight

Historically, B2B sales and marketing strategy has been based on the funnel model: awareness constitutes the wide end of the funnel, gradually narrowing down to consideration, then intent, then, finally, conversion (a sale). However, the digital age has seen the increased adoption of account-based marketing (ABM), an approach in which sales and marketing teams work together to identify and target …