Nurturing Funnel

The Sales & Marketing Funnel – Where Marketing & Sales Converge

Scott Dieckgraefe Insight

Smart manufacturers know that a healthy, robust prospect nurturing program is critical to their business and key to growth. The savviest among them understand that the marketing and sales funnel is where these disciplines converge. Let’s take a deep dive into the roles both marketing and sales teams play when it comes to nurturing prospects.

The Power of the Press Release: Three Reasons to Keep Them in Your Arsenal

Scott Dieckgraefe Insight

While others say the press release is dead, we believe a well-written, AP Style press release still packs a punch, even though much of the “press” has moved to digital only. Here are four strong reasons why the press release should remain an important part of your marketing communications program.

A Lesson in Lean: Where There is Struggle, There is Waste

Scott Dieckgraefe Insight

What has transpired over the last five years here at Cambridge is nothing short of spectacular. We spend time learning how to see waste. We go and see what is happening at the jobsite, at the plant process or function and we watch. Each day the entire organization spends 30 minutes after our all company morning meeting (a unique experience worth seeing) making improvements to their work area or job functions.

The Impact of Small Spaces on Big Thinking

Scott Dieckgraefe Insight

By Scott Dieckgraefe, President & Founder, Studio/D I once owned a tiny house in the woods. A micro-sized deck led to a narrow front door which opened into a small kitchen. The kitchen ceiling was dark and low, which established a confined feeling for the rest of the house. When you entered the house, you instinctively slouched a bit. Over …

Do Political Poll Errors Make Marketing Survey Results Questionable?

Scott Dieckgraefe Insight

By Tom Taylor, Account Advocate. Studio/D Whatever our political affiliation, we can probably agree that the projections based on polling for the last two US presidential elections were way off. This raises the question of whether similar polling errors carry over into all types of surveys – including market research. Luckily, the short answer is “no” – particularly if your …

“Agility” is The 2020 Skill-of-the-Year

Scott Dieckgraefe Insight

2020 has been quite the year.  World-wide pandemic, tariffs and international trade wars, racial strife and civil unrest, business closures, limited group gatherings, political divisiveness, unemployment, and elbow bumps. This is not what we planned back in January. We get introspective at the end of every year, attempting to identify the salient learning points of the year, and one word sums up the …

Five ‘must do’ items – before year-end

Scott Dieckgraefe Insight

1) Review your wills, trusts, estate plan and succession plan. There is a chance COVID will cause a lengthy absence, disable or kill you, a family member or a potential owner / management successor of your business. Number one on my list is to review your will, estate and succession documents in detail for updates and changes. If they are …

Are Your Salespeople Enabled To Sell In Today’s Environment?

Are Your Salespeople Enabled To Sell In Today’s Environment?

StudioDAdmin Insight

Use The Right Tools For Optimal Results We recently met with a well-respected sales rep who just resumed his traveling. When we asked how his company is supporting him in today’s new sales environment, the question took him by surprise and he acknowledged that he was not provided with any new sales tools to use in today’s completely different selling …

It’s Time for the Offensive Line to Take the Field

Scott Dieckgraefe Insight

Marketing communications, like all good contact sports, offers a time to play defense and a time to play offense.  Since the pandemic hit in March, many companies (B2B and B2C) shifted to play defense, cutting back their ad spending, which resulted in local TV and radio losing nearly $20 Billion in ad revenue, and Google and Facebook losing a combined $44 …