balancing lead gen with branding

Balancing Branding Efforts with Lead Generation

Scott Dieckgraefe Insight

Manufacturers often ask the question, “which is most important to my company’s growth – brand awareness or lead generation?” The answer, of course, is that both are necessary, and the proportional emphasis between these elements changes. As marketers, it’s our role to understand when and how to emphasize one strategy over the other to increase awareness and revenue generation. Branding …

Marketing's Role in Hiring

How Marketing Can Help Mitigate the Manufacturing Jobs Dilemma

Scott Dieckgraefe Insight

Marketing agencies that serve manufacturers can help their clients with worker shortage issues by employing the same strategies and tactics they provide on behalf of promoting their clients’ goods and services.  A good mar-com agency digs deep into its clients’ mission, culture, and reason for being to provide a unique voice for the promotion of their goods and services.  This …