Pay-To-Play Mediaia

How The Rise of Pay-to-Play Media Impacts the PESO Media Model

Scott Dieckgraefe Insight

The media landscape continues to evolve at a breath-taking pace, with media platforms providing new opportunities for brands to reach and engage their audiences. While this is true for both B2C and B2B marketers, this Insight looks at the growth of pay-to-play media through the eyes of a B2B audience. The traditional PESO (Paid, Earned, Shared/Social, Owned) media model helps …

How AI-Generated Content Will Chage Marketing

How Will ChatGPT Change Your B2B Marketing?

Scott Dieckgraefe Insight, Uncategorized

AI-generated language programs like ChatGPT have garnered significant headlines in the past few months as our industry clamors to learn and harness the power behind the technology. We recommend that you NOT underestimate its power – it will positively impress even the most ardent nay-sayer. These programs now operate on the third iteration of their learning model, or GPT-3. If …

balancing lead gen with branding

Balancing Branding Efforts with Lead Generation

Scott Dieckgraefe Insight

Manufacturers often ask the question, “which is most important to my company’s growth – brand awareness or lead generation?” The answer, of course, is that both are necessary, and the proportional emphasis between these elements changes. As marketers, it’s our role to understand when and how to emphasize one strategy over the other to increase awareness and revenue generation. Branding …

Workforce Attraction, Training and Retention For Manufacturers

Scott Dieckgraefe Insight

It’s heartening that the manufacturing sector has attracted such favorable press in the Midwest lately, but the hard truth is that many manufacturing and skilled trade positions have gone unfilled, leading many companies to scale back sales efforts. No company wants to pay salespeople to nurture leads, only to lose the sale for being unable to produce goods in a …

Name Recognition and Branding

Scott Dieckgraefe Insight

“Every Baby Needs A Name” I was fortunate to spend quality time in Boston this past summer, and it was great to see an entire city embrace its historic role in the birth of our nation. Walking Boston’s Freedom Trail, I was reminded of the key people and events that shaped our country’s early days. At Boston’s Old City Hall, …

Planning For An Uncertain 2023

Scott Dieckgraefe Insight

insight and flexibility are keys to the year As we step into 2023, there is an uncertainty looming, highlighted by discrepant forecasts for the year. As 2023 begins, worker shortages continue, as does high inflation, the Russian war in Ukraine, and the ever-present domestic political drama. While consumer spending is robust, fears grow that we’ll talk ourselves into a recession*. …

Between a Funnel and ABM

Between a Funnel & the ABM Pyramid: The Case for Hybrid Marketing

Scott Dieckgraefe Insight

Historically, B2B sales and marketing strategy has been based on the funnel model: awareness constitutes the wide end of the funnel, gradually narrowing down to consideration, then intent, then, finally, conversion (a sale). However, the digital age has seen the increased adoption of account-based marketing (ABM), an approach in which sales and marketing teams work together to identify and target …

Positive or Negative News

PR Lessons: When Is Bad Publicity Good For A Company?

Scott Dieckgraefe Insight

By Scott Dieckgraefe, Studio/D Founder and President It’s often been stated that, “there’s no such thing as bad publicity,” and a recently released study appears to  back-up this claim. Seth Arenstein (an author with PR News) cited an Onclusive study in June 2022 that found negative portrayals of brands actually drove greater website traffic than positive stories, seeming to affirm …