Visual Context of Flight

Positioning With Content and Context

Scott Dieckgraefe Insight

Ted Turner understood content and how it shapes opinions. In 1990, he banned the word “foreign” from CNN newscasts, stating that the word implied something unfamiliar, misunderstood, or divisive. He recommended using “international” in its place to denote a sense of unity. In the intervening 32 years, the news media has become increasingly polarized, using these sorts of nuances to …

Buyer's Journey

Light the way for buyers

Scott Dieckgraefe Insight

Marketers often talk about the buyer’s journey, those steps that a potential customer takes as they move from awareness, through consideration, to a final decision, and to (hopefully) becoming a brand advocate. These four key steps can be further broken down to include aspects specific to a particular industry or market, but the core principle is the same: prospects move …

Develop 3D Vision Superpowers

Develop Your Marketing “3D Vision” Superpower

Scott Dieckgraefe Insight

By Scott Dieckgraefe, Studio/D Founder and President I’ve always appreciated how great architects think in 3-dimensional space, visualizing how one action interacts with other elements that are behind walls or on other floors. I have the same appreciation for talented chefs who pair flavors, textures and aromas to maximize impact and appeal. Each artist understands how one aspect of their …

Post-Dispatch Masthead

Prop R: Great Promise, Unclear Delivery

Scott Dieckgraefe Insight

Letter to the Editor: St. Louis Post-Dispatch (dated December 9, 2021) Now more than ever the St. Louis region needs the fruits of our community colleges. The recently passed Prop R offers an opportunity to properly educate and train tomorrow’s workforce for our region’s major employers, including well-paying careers in manufacturing and trades. While an Oct. 21 report from the …

Marketing's Role in Hiring

How Marketing Can Help Mitigate the Manufacturing Jobs Dilemma

Scott Dieckgraefe Insight

Marketing agencies that serve manufacturers can help their clients with worker shortage issues by employing the same strategies and tactics they provide on behalf of promoting their clients’ goods and services.  A good mar-com agency digs deep into its clients’ mission, culture, and reason for being to provide a unique voice for the promotion of their goods and services.  This …

Demonstrating Empathy

Building a Corporate Culture with Empathy

Scott Dieckgraefe Insight

In today’s tight labor market, companies can attract workers based on their corporate culture and the care they demonstrate for employees. Much of a company’s culture is personified through their leaders, yet sadly over the past week there have been several high profile examples of company leaders who failed to empathize with their teams. Example #1 – Firing 900 workers …

How Manufacturers Benefit from Email Marketing

Scott Dieckgraefe Insight

Industry analysts with Salesforce estimate a return on investment of $38 for every $1 spent on email marketing – with other sites pushing the return up well over $40.  With so much bang for buck power, email marketing continues to be a dependable driver of demonstrable results – specifically, elevating awareness and increasing leads.  A periodic email newsletter can inform …

Insight image - what agencies do

What Industrial Marketing Communications Agencies Do

Scott Dieckgraefe Insight

When describing what a mar-com agency does, it’s difficult to know where to start the conversation, where to stop, and how deep to go on every point. The needs of every client are different, and approaches are customized to those needs. That said, Studio/D has put together this generalized process flow to broadly explain an agency’s role and functions. In …

testimonial graphic

Four Types of Testimonials – But You Should Focus on Two

Scott Dieckgraefe Insight

Word-of-mouth is the most impactful and least costly promotion for products and service. This is true for B2C and B2B promotional efforts. And the best way to generate positive word-of-mouth is something we all try to do every day: Produce a great product, with great service, at a fair price. One step down from word-of-mouth is the testimonial. Getting a …

Manufacturing Workforce Training

The Importance of Manufacturing Workforce Training: The Voters Have Spoken

Scott Dieckgraefe Insight

By Scott Dieckgraefe, President and Founder of Studio/D Voters in St. Louis City and County passed Proposition R last week, a property tax increase to provide additional funding to the St. Louis Community College District for sorely needed career training programs in healthcare, information technology, financial services, biotechnology, and manufacturing. My “Letter to the Editor,” published August 11th in the …